Category Archives: Gary Sutton Blog

Main Street Voices: Who is Fit to be President?

President Obama says Donald Trump is not fit to be president? I don’t really know anymore who is fit to be president, but this president pronouncing who is and is not fit bears some examination before he starts slinging that accusation around.  Yes, I know that President Obama is eloquent, and smooth, especially when compared…MORE

Main Street Voices: What do we tell Our Children?

Recently, I received an email from a listener in the aftermath of FBI Director James Comey’s press conference which laid out all of the “negligence” and “carelessness” that Hillary Clinton had used in her emails, then said the case was not worthy of prosecution.  I offer you this email as an example that I dare…MORE

Main Street Voices: “The Greatest!”

The great boxer , Muhammad Ali, died this past Friday.  He had suffered from Parkinson’s Disease, a debilitating, withering disease that stripped him outwardly of the larger-than-life persona that made him one of the most well-known , iconic figures throughout the world in the 1960’s to 1980’s.  Many of us remember Ali in mixed ways. …MORE

Main Street Voices: So Here are your choices in 2016?

So here are the choices that you have in the Election of 2016: 1. Hillary Clinton, a crook with all kinds of scandals circling her like vultures flying lazy circles; a woman who has lived at the public trough for the most part of her life, who makes us have to adjust our value systems…MORE

Main Street Voices: Just the Facts, M’am, or Not?

When I was growing up in the 1950’s and even early 60’s, there was a detective show on called, “Dragnet” featuring an actor named Jack Webb as the detective named Joe Friday.  The hallmark, iconic line that he would always state when trying to get information from a witness on a crime was, “Just the…MORE

Main Street Voices: You don’t Need Talk Show Hosts to Tell You How to Think!

I was reading an article yesterday that declared that Donald Trump is on track to win the most popular votes of any Republican Presidential Candidate ever.  If he continues on his current pace, he would pass the 10.7 million number garnered by President George W. Bush.  Unlike many of my colleagues, I do not endorse…MORE

Main Street Voices: Who are the Heroes, and Where Can We Find Them?

Who are the heroes today?  We seem to want to find them in sports and entertainment.  Are we looking in the wrong places?  How often are we disappointed?  Is it because we are seeing heroes the wrong way?  Seems to me that the heroes are the ones going about their business trying to quietly be…MORE

Main Street Voices: Governor Wolf, Just Govern and Stop with the Symbolism

PA Governor , Tom Wolf is going to to sign an Executive Order on protecting Gender Rights.  How does that work?  Is this another Captain Obvious Pronouncement?  He equates this to the religious freedom acts in places like Mississippi, and elsewhere.  Is it really the same?  I don’t think so.  Here’s the difference.  In cases…MORE