Main Street Voices: Who are the Heroes, and Where Can We Find Them?

Who are the heroes today?  We seem to want to find them in sports and entertainment.  Are we looking in the wrong places?  How often are we disappointed?  Is it because we are seeing heroes the wrong way?  Seems to me that the heroes are the ones going about their business trying to quietly be the best they can be every day, with no fanfare, or adulation…Just being accountable to themselves and others.  Not the Kardashians, or Cait Jenner, or  Tiger Woods, or any high profile person.  These heroes, just every day folk, don’t need to be told how to give, assist,  live properly, or help the climate and the Polar Bears.  They go about caring for that which is around them all the time.  They are the authentic, real people who possess a basic honesty about life, not just a momentary realization because it’s a hot national topic.  They are selfless, independent, caring , loving people who demonstrate that in everything they do.  They are imperfect in deed, yet as close to perfect in trying to get it right that one can find.  They are not governed by political boundaries,gender , racial or religious constrictions.  They just want to know that everyone is getting a fair shake.  They help out the best they can, in the moments of need they encounter.  They care what happens to their fellow earthly travelers, yet they have an expectation of doing for one’s self.  In short, they are what is real and decent about people in this country, and that is always the redeeming moral of the story…Gary Sutton