Category Archives: Gary Sutton Blog

Main Street Voices: Where were these guys when we needed them?

Amidst all of the nonsense of this campaign, Donald Trump pronounced the most salient, clear-headed thought that encompassed the reason for the whole tenor of this year’s campaign.  In a speech the other day, Trump stated, ” If #NeverTrump ‘Worked This Hard to Stop Obama, He ‘Wouldn’t Have Had a Chance.’   ‘These are the establishment…MORE

Main Street Voices: It’s Not Always Just about Taxes! Stop Slapping!

Hillary Clinton was doing a town hall the other night when she was asked about what to do with American companies who are sending their companies and ultimately jobs overseas.  Her answer was, “We will slap an exit tax on companies outsourcing jobs.”  Really?  This will solve the problem?  This is why we elect a…MORE

Main Street Voices: Animal House

One of the iconic movies of all time is “Animal House”, the story of an out of control fraternity full of the campus losers and outcasts who end up banded together into one of the wildest bunches who ever invaded a campus.  The beginning of this film starts with two freshmen in the early 60’s…MORE

Main Street Voices: The Debate Cage Match; Is This What We Have Come To?

Where was Hulk Hogan, or Randy “Macho Man” Savage last night when the Republican Debate was held in Houston.  Instead of Wolf Blitzer trying desperately to moderate the debate, I thought maybe it would have been more appropriate for Vince McMahon and Jesse “The Body” Ventura to tag team the questioning in their rehearsed and…MORE

Main Street Voices- What “Values” are you talking about, Mr. President?

On Tuesday, President Obama sent his proposal to Congress to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center for  terrorists.  In his proposal , he said that the detention center was, “contrary to our values” and is seen as “a stain on our broader record” of upholding the highest rules of law.  I was particularly struck by…MORE

Main Street Voices- Learning on the Run!

Part of Ted Cruz’ stump speech has been that , “America is waking up.”  To a point, I agree with him, though he finishes the thought that there is a “new conservatism” in this country.  As I watch like every other American trying to analyze this crazy election season, I wonder if it is about…MORE

Main Street Voices- How Much Audacity is Too Much for Trump?

As I watched the Republican debate from South Carolina last Saturday, I found myself thinking that I might be going back into my earlier years, staring at bullies calling names on the playground.  Any moment, I was ready for someone to scream, “My father is better than your father.”  Geez, I guess that did actually…MORE

Main Street Voices- Good Bye and Hello!

If you are reading this offering right now, you probably are aware that “The 9-12 Noon Version of The Gary Sutton Show” will be ending with the last show on Friday, February 12th.  It has truly been an honor over almost 13 years of bringing you the show during mid- mornings.  I remember when my…MORE

Main Street Voices- Who can Unite the Republican Party? No One!

One of the questions I hear being discussed constantly is, “Who can bring the Republican Party together?”  my answer has consistently been, “No one.”  Why, you say?  Well, I think it is absolutely the wrong question.  My response has been to ask the correct one which is, “Who can bring Americans together again over our…MORE