Main Street Voices: What do we tell Our Children?

Recently, I received an email from a listener in the aftermath of FBI Director James Comey’s press conference which laid out all of the “negligence” and “carelessness” that Hillary Clinton had used in her emails, then said the case was not worthy of prosecution.  I offer you this email as an example that I dare say many parents in our country are writing, and trying to explain to their children.  How do we explain right and wrong, and the idea that everyone is equal under the law?  I offer you the email and my response to it for your consideration.

Hi Gary,

I have (3) children ages 15, and twins 14.  My wife and I have always  tried to teach our children right from wrong, and to always tell the truth no matter what the consequences.  We have also tried to teach our children, that in the U.S. no person is above the law.  This ideal was completely destroyed on Tuesday by James Comey’s decision to not recommend prosecution of Hillary Clinton.  Based on all the evidence and Mr. Comey’s own statements,  she is surely guilty of “Gross Negligence”  in handling of “‘Classified Material”, and has without a doubt lied to the American people.  This now leave’s my wife and I to try “explaining”, how there are really two sets of rules for the people of this country,  one for ordinary people like us, and another set of rules for people like the Clintons.

Thank you





I am glad I am not raising my child now.  I can only tell you that you must be true to yourself and your values.  That is all you have.  The set of principles that you and your wife teach and transmit on to your kids is the only hope we have for this nation.  I fear that many may see the continued acts like we saw from Director Comey as a reason not to continue teaching our children about the better angels.  In a visual world of bad examples, it is most important that you continually provide good examples, and explanations for the poor ones that your children see and hear about every day.  We, as U.S. citizens must look away from others , our so-called leaders as examples for our children to emulate, and must instead, be the ones who set the tone.  “Do as I do, and Say as I say” have never been more important in our society which I fear has lost its footing.  That footing started with the individual and the family, and can only be mended by the same.  Keep the faith, and tell your kids the truth.  That is our only hope.

Best regards,

Gary Sutton