Main Street Voices: Governor Wolf, Just Govern and Stop with the Symbolism

PA Governor , Tom Wolf is going to to sign an Executive Order on protecting Gender Rights.  How does that work?  Is this another Captain Obvious Pronouncement?  He equates this to the religious freedom acts in places like Mississippi, and elsewhere.  Is it really the same?  I don’t think so.  Here’s the difference.  In cases of Transgender, a person makes a choice for themselves to change their sexual orientation, and/or their look.  In the religious situations, the government takes away the choice from a person and tells them what they have to do regarding how they conduct their business. Have these people been having a tough time?  Are we experiencing a rash of incidents across PA or for that matter , the USA?  What the Governor is really saying is that you are so narrow-minded, that you will discriminate against anyone given the chance.  Is that who you are?  Is that who we are?  I think not.  I must say that it has become tedious listening to our “Betters” in the Government tell us who we are and how we are supposed to act.  I am really tired of hearing them tell us “What Americans want or think” when they know so little about ALL Americans, and are so detached from every day Main Street.  Please Governor Wolf, President Obama, and every Democrat and Republican who think we need to be told about how to live our lives, and how to think about other people.  Just Let Us Alone…We’ve done OK without you!  Maybe you can just try governing on our behalf, instead of governing for different “halfs,” or thirds, or eights, or sixteenths…Gary Sutton

PA is inclusive and welcoming and open for business for everyone.  That from Governor Tom Wolf who says he will sign an executive order later Thursday that will prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender expression and identity for commonwealth employees and another for anyone contracting by the state.  Wolf had called on the state legislature to act and protect the rights, but since not much has happened, he decided to make the move.  The governor says another motivation came from so-called ‘Religious Freedom’ bills that have passed in three southern states.  The measures would allow residents there to discriminate if they have a personal religious objection.  The governors of North Carolina and Mississippi signed the legislation into law, but the governor of Georgia vetoed the bill.  Wolf says he will have further details later today.