Main Street Voices- What “Values” are you talking about, Mr. President?

On Tuesday, President Obama sent his proposal to Congress to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center for  terrorists.  In his proposal , he said that the detention center was, “contrary to our values” and is seen as “a stain on our broader record” of upholding the highest rules of law.  I was particularly struck by the phrase, “contrary to our values.”  I asked myself, “What values are you talking about, Mr. President?”  Would they be the “values” of life, liberty and property for those who come to our country , or those already here who want to live in peace.  Those are values sharply different from those who are incarcerated at Gitmo, those who have and would wreak terror on regular citizens, right?  Would you be talking about the “value” of keeping prisoners out of the conflict in the War on Terror that everyone agrees is still being fought worldwide?  If we are still combating terrorism, why would we want to allow even a remote opportunity for any one of them to resume their murderous activities?  We know that there already is already a near “30% recidivism rate” of returning to terror organizations according to former FBI Director, Michael Hayden.  Maybe the President is talking about the “value” of being vigilant in a world that has seen an “anything goes” brand of terror from ISIS which  is scaring people to death.  The President says he wants to “close this chapter” in the country’s fight against terrorism.”  He adds that Gitmo, “does not advance our security; it undermines it.”  Hmm?  How does it undermine our security?  We have seen nothing that indicates that ISIS is using Gitmo as a recruiting tool.  Even if they were, do we then kow tow to the wishes of terrorists?  Where is a better place to keep these people?  It seems to me that we are and should continue to protect American values by keeping us safe from these people.  To allow any of them to leave without military tribunals held there is, in my opinion, criminal.  There is no “value” in being naive, hoping that these people will not come back and hit us again, given the chance.  If military tribunals need to be held, then hold them and arrive at verdicts.  If the illegal combatants are found innocent, then release them.  If not, hold them for life, or execute them.  The fact is that Gitmo has been a treasure trove of information on terrorists, as civilized nations continue to try and battle their sick tactics.  That has real “value” to us.  The President’s idea of American “values” have led the lessening of our standing in the world, not the keeping of prisoners at Gitmo.  The President’s lack of understanding of American “values”,  of wanting government to provide security,  has led to a country that feels less secure.  We see it in his trading of five high-ranking prisoners for Bergdahl.  Does anyone know where those prisoners are today?  If we still had them, we would know.  His naivete is breathtaking when it comes to hoping his action of closing Gitmo works.  This idealogue , President Obama, needs to “value” the United States first and foremost, and protect its people, not gamble with security and preach to us about his version of “our values.”  We incarcerate and jail people for life, and even execute those who do not value freedom with responsibility in our society.  Why would we allow people who would destroy liberty , and do not hold our “values” at all a chance to get out and do it again?  That idea has no “value” at all.  …Gary Sutton .