Just A Voice on Main Street: Just A Few Questions About “Hot” News!

Let’s take a look at the” Hottest News Story”:
A. High level Trump Officials had regular contact with Russian Officials.  (What are we to take from that?)  Well, there is the appearance of a conflict of interest at the least, and illegality at the most.  In fact they must have been involved in swinging the election for Donald Trump, because there is no way Hillary Clinton could have lost fairly and squarely, Right?)
B. Nothing illegal has been gleaned from investigations by the FBI.  (That is in the third paragraph.  I would offer that it should be in the sub-heading or be the main story.  But if nothing illegal has been found, and this is the second round for this story that was first printed by the NY Times back in October, with the same outcome, why is it a “Hot” news story?  Hmm?)
C. Question on this “News Story”
1. Who ordered the FBI to do an investigation?   (Since the Intelligence Community and the Media have this insatiable curiosity about those contacts, shouldn’t we also know who ordered the Intelligence Community to tap into these officials, and why did they do that?)
2. Isn’t this the second time we have heard about this since October, and the second time that we have heard that there was no illegal activity according to the FBI?  If there is not a change in the outcome that the FBI has gleaned from the information, why would the story be running again?  Isn’t that old news?  I am sure it couldn’t be political payback for Wikileaks, right?)
3. Who is putting this out in the public domain through the news, and why aren’t we at all interested in asking that question?  (Ditto from before?  What is the motivation, other than the Intelligence Community, Media, and Status Quo Politicians want payback?)
4. If there was something illegal there, does anyone think that it would not be front page news in 2 inch letters since the person or group releasing it is obviously looking for illegality?
5. Is anyone at all concerned that individual rights of our citizens and leaders are being violated by our own intelligence agencies or does the fact that we have an unpopular president with those groups make it ok? (This isn’t Wikileaks releasing this stuff; it’s our people.  We supposedly have control of this, yet we are watching it in front of us with nary a comment on it.  Shouldn’t we be concerned that citizens and officials, even if we don’t like them, are having the same rights we have being abused?  Hmm?)
6. Since there is apparently a transcript and/or recording of this information, and since the Intelligence Community sees fit to release it to outfits like the New York Times, why shouldn’t we be able to see these classified documents, since the Intelligence Community has made them public to the Media?  ( Since the information they put out is on the public record, why shouldn’t we get to see it as well?  Can we not handle the truth?  What is left that is classified?)
7. Since General Flynn was fired/stepped down from Head of NSA because he engaged in conversations that allegedly undermined the sitting President,  President Obama, , are we not interested or concerned in knowing if President Obama was involved in this investigation?  (Obviously, someone ordered this.  Shouldn’t we know the particulars of that ?)

These are questions I would like to have the answer to as a citizen?
Maybe it’s just that the Status Quo, Media, Intelligence Community,  hate Donald Trump, hates the fact that he was elected, hates the fact that you idiots voted for him, want to get even for his tweeting, don’t want him to accomplish anything positive, are calling him every awful name in the book, are suggesting that he is “Hitlerian” and “Unfit” to be President, and are willing to put aside any ethics or morality to bring him down?   Could that be the “Hot News Story” here?….Gary Sutton