Just A Voice From Main Street: Is It Time for a Checkup?

When I first heard Donald Trump talking about winning or losing the popular vote this week, I wrote it off to pettiness and a big ego that somehow, some way, he thinks that he really won everything in this recent presidential election.  To some extent, I still believe that.  With Donald Trump, pettiness and ego come hand in hand.  Upon further review, however, I also started to think about what Donald Trump’s brilliance is, whether calculated or not.  He has raised a lot of questions that many of us in society have been asking for a while, but now he has the bully pulpit to do something about it.  He has called for a sweeping investigation of our electoral system by the Justice Department to determine the validity of the voting that is being done in this country.  You might say it is ridiculous, in light of what the media tells us, and what the Attorneys Generals in every state say, that there is no appreciable illegal voting.  When you think about it, however, it’s kind of like an experienced Doctor who tells you that there is no appreciable sign of cancer, then you find that you have a very appreciable cancer later on, and the diagnosis was missed.  It spreads to the whole body and brings about death.  Many people have asked for a long time if there is illegal voting going on in our country, and if there is, to what extent.  Is it enough of an even small cancer that it could ultimately gain momentum and destroy the body politic of the United States.  If it is even small right now, wouldn’t it be nice to send it to the doctor for a checkup, i.e. investigation?  We hear about the numbers of votes fabricated in Detroit where more people voted than were registered, or in Philadelphia where 103% of the population voted in some of the precincts.  Are those two incidences isolated or are they the tip of the iceberg?  I don’t know, but I would love to know the answer.  If it’s isolated, that will be a relief, and we can know, through an investigation that our election system is pretty honest.  If it’s not, wouldn’t it be nice to know where the problems are so that they can be rectified before the political cancer grows larger?  In a time when we seem to be reexamining the status quo, what could be more important than looking at the way we vote?  I hear a lot of people say that it is ridiculous to look inside how our voting is being done.  Are they worries about what they might find?  I for one am not.  “Appreciable” cheating is in the eye of the beholder.  If votes are being corrupted, if people are voting in more than one state, or if illegal aliens who have increasingly assembled in our country are able to somehow vote, shouldn’t that be an “appreciable” concern?  Just saying it isn’t so by people doesn’t make it so, or dispel the whispers of graft and corruption in our voting system.  Wouldn’t it be nice to give it a checkup?  What do we have to fear unless we fear the truth.  I don’t.  How about you?….Gary Sutton