Main Street Voices: The Problem for Democrats and Republicans!

Why are the Democrat and to a lesser degree, the Republican Parties in disarray right now?  The problem for Democrats is that they have great disdain for the beliefs of the Middle of the Country. That is  ironic because they were founded to be the champions of people out here on Main Street America.  Democrats have not been true to their beliefs.  They have wandered off into segmenting our society into disparate groups, and have lost the idea of inclusion of all as Americans. They embrace the weak, the refugee, the illegal, and minority as consequential while taking for granted the majority of this country who are paying for programs that are being force fed to them generally without their permission.  They celebrate diversity without recognizing the other half of being an American which is assimilation and respect for America which leads to unity.

Republicans have not been true to their beliefs either, and that is why the anti-status quo  revolt where they viewed the Republican Party as essentially “Do-Nothings” who went along to get along.  These “Status Quo” Republicans entrenched in DC had lost touch with the  core values of a constituency that believed in respect for the taxpayer dollar, the Constitution rule of law, and smaller.government.  What they received consistently was squawk, talk, and no walk.  These Republicans thought that  giving in, yet appearing to obstruct the Democrats  was enough in terms of representing those who had elected them was enough. While Republicans are viewed in the moment as the less evil of two lessers because they control most of the country, their power is wobbly to say the least.

We saw the reaction in both parties, as they went for hybrids like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.  Sanders was beaten down by his ruling group in the Democratic Party in favor of the political insider candidate, while Trump overcame everyone in his party and ultimately the Insider from the other side as well.  Now his party’s status quo are forced to join him, not knowing exactly what he stands for, but forced to recognize that in a pragmatic sense, it is not what has previously been accepted.  In the end, people want to see results, and not hear the usual governmental oratory which is foreign to their lives of doing jobs where results ARE expected. The sooner that both parties can get out of their state of denial, the better off the citizen will be…Gary Sutton