Main Street Voices: What a Choice?

The Clintons…Are they vulnerable to blackmail regarding our country if Hillary is elected?  What if what the Clintons and Democrats are saying is true; that the Russians have those emails?  And what if those emails were used after the election instead of right now?  Could the Russians hold that over her head somehow and get results favorable to them, but not us, that’s U.S.?  Do the interests of the individual outweigh the needs of the country.  It’s not like there is no evidence that the Clintons take care of themselves before they worry about a lot else.  With fingerprints, and loose ends everywhere regarding the Clintons from Private Email servers (which Russia may have exploited) to questions lingering on Benghazi, to constant Pay for Play connections and the Clinton Foundation and Bill Clinton, Inc., are there not enough red flags to at least worry that we could have a president who could be blackmailed.  As we have seen in the past, when charges of these kinds are leveled, the Clinton syncophants run out and explain the “nuances” we just can’t get as Main Streeters.  Even though we see with our eyes, listen with our ears, and use a modicum of common sense in processing the information, they tell us what really is, despite constant appearances to the contrary.  They ask Democrats, and supporters to put all of this aside to support them, and in the process come live in their gutter of using this country for their own purposes, all in the name of making it better together.  They say Hillary has a steadier hand, and is more thoughtful about decisions.  Maybe “they” are right, but what if someone like the Russians have a better hand to play, and it (excuse the pun) trumps hers?  Donald Trump is no bargain, I will grant you.  But, and it is a Big But, Donald Trump does not have government baggage like Hillary Clinton.  Wow, What a choice we have on November 8th…Gary Sutton