Main Street Voices: Do Millenials know Hillary for herself? The answer is, “Yes!”

Hillary Clinton has tried to tell us how bad and scary Donald Trump is, and all she has succeeded in doing is accentuating how dishonest she is about everything from emails to her health.  Add to that the “basket of deplorables” remark which exhibited her disdain for regular Americans and she has brought the polls closer on her own.  Her dishonesty, combined with running against a guy she can’t seem to get at is hurting her.  What does she have left?  The “I’m not him and he is scary ” hasn’t widened the gap. The “He isn’t fit to lead” hasn’t worked, because juxtaposed to her, there is no comparison.  NOW she is going to talk about herself, and who she is over the next several weeks.  HER problem is that WE already know her.  She is going to pay attention to Millenials in the next few weeks, but think about it; Millenials know her…They don’t really know Bill Clinton.  Do they know about her in the context of her husband’s presidency which happened before many of them were born?  No!  Most of the Millenials know her on her own, and know something about her through her efforts as a Senator, Presidential Candidate in 2008, and a Secretary of State.  In other words, Hillary Clinton stands in their minds on her own accomplishments and failures.  They know she is dishonest, or at least has that appearance about her.  They know she is older and represents the Status Quo that doesn’t look particularly attractive.  They sense she may not be in good health and represent the vibrancy of a President.  They also know she tries to portray herself as an outsider , and espouse the views of others, when she doesn’t have authentic ownership of those ideas.  Those views she holds, are for momentary convenience, not long-term.  President Obama, who many Millenials do know is trying to help her out by portraying the notion that she holds his values, and thus Hillary’s first term in office will be his third term.  He has even said to voters, “Do this (vote) for me.”  He has also stated that he would consider it a personal insult to his legacy if those who would vote for him would not vote for Hillary.  The BIG question is, Will this strategy work?  Are the Millenials, in fact , are all of us  really as gullible and dumb as the politicians think we are today.  We have to decide.  Our choices are very limited, but also very important in that they will determine the course we take as a nation…..Gary Sutton