Just A Voice from Main Street: Who is Donald Trump? Some Questions.

For those of you who are supporters of President Trump, did he let you down by striking a compromise with Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi on a deal where they agreed to pass aid for Harvey, an extension of the debt limit, and a continuing resolution both to December 15, all together,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement?. “Both sides have every intention of avoiding default in December and look forward to working together on the many issues before us.”, OR did he open up grounds for cooperation and getting things done?  Who is Donald Trump??? Are we moving away from hard core liberals and hardcore conservatives, and simply looking for problem solvers in this country?  Is this the formation of the Pragmatic Party which has no allegiance to a specific ideology?  Is this what we saw in the past election with the voters for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders looking for something different than right and left; conservative or liberal; Republican or Democrat?   Do they provide a middle ground for citizens who don’t want to keep any score but getting things done for the country?  How many of you feel mislead by President Trump?  Are you surprised?  I am not, because he never presented himself as hard-core dogmatic….He presented himself as a guy who could make deals.  He presented a wish list of what he wanted to do, then got into the office and found out it wasn’t that easy, so he is trying to figure out how to work with a world that is foreign to him to do what he thinks he is really good at…solving problems and concluding tasks.  OR Is he just wishy-washy and has no core values?  Those are your questions about Donald Trump.  What is your answer?  Mine is that he is exactly who he has always been as a citizen, a business owner, and now as a President….unpredictable, but interested in resolution of problems….. Gary Sutton