Just A Voice on Main Street: Shame on the Republicans for being Munchkins on Principle!

Follow the Status Quo Road…Follow the Status Quo Road.  The Republican Status Quo are nothing different than Political Munchkins.  They watched the Democrats screw up the whole healthcare system by putting the government’s filthy hands on it , now they are going to do the same thing , and for what?  Political Expediency?  Because you have no faith in the Free Market System of Medicine?  This is the Republican House trying to prove they can do something, even though it is the wrong something.  President Trump told them they would lose in 2018 if they didn’t vote for this now.  They will lose, and Donald Trump will lose his ability to govern effectively at all in 2018, the Mid-Term Election, by voting for this right now.  that is what I believe.  They were voted to put a healthcare system into place that gave people choices, made healthcare more affordable, and allowed the free market system to work.  They have done none of that on this plan.  They felt that by taking away the mandate, everything would be ok.  That is not it.  Much like the Status Quo Democrats did when they passed Obamacare , the leadership is dangling little sweeteners to groups like the 25 or so members of the Freedom Caucus to get them to sell out on their principles.  The Republican Status Quo has lured Donald Trump into the Swamp with the same siren call oftaking the easy route of reconciliation, instead of the hard route of principled change.  What we are left with is Obamacare with a few cosmetic dressings.  The other way is hard because it will require 60 votes in the Senate, but isn’t that what people who elected the Republican President and Congress want?  Construct a system that allows free market forces, competition, and true authentic choice to work, rather than the contrivances that always comes with government control.  The Democrats laid a comprehensive trap for the Republicans to change and they are, as usual, stepping right into it.  They will be held accountable.  I would say, pass a bill that promotes Liberty and freedom of choice, then see if all of the Democrats, particularly those in blue states that are up for election , are quite so cavalier in voting against it.  Why won’t it, you say?  Because it would take belief in principles and doing what’s right in the name of promoting independence and choice for all.  Apparently, the Munchkin Republicans , and President Trump can’t embrace that.  Shame on the Republicans for not being ready with their own plan that embraces these principles.  They are not deserving of our vote anymore than Democrats.  The only thing is, at least Democrats voted for a plan that included more government in our lives.  They stayed true to their credo.  Republicans, who claim they want government out of our lives, are selling out their values on policy to get a political win…..Gary Sutton