Just A Voice on Main Street: If You Can’t Beat Them at The Ballot Box, Investigate Them!

What the Democrats couldn’t win at the ballot box, they are now attempting to win by a coup against the administration.  And who is the victim in the long run through this scandalous uprising?  The United States of America and its citizens.  Make no mistake about it…this is a coup orchestrated by a disgraceful bunch of people who care little about their country and instead about their side winning.  They couldn’t do it on ideas, so now they will do it on lies, accusations, and innuendo.  This isn’t Wikileaks from the outside; these are our own representatives trying to bring down our government.  That is what we have come to today.   The question now for Democrats and the Left is this, “Have you no shame.”  The answer is a resounding, No!  They will question everything.  The actions of Pelosi, Schumer, and every one of the hard left is disgraceful.   There are enough good people in this country, both Democrat and Republican who need to call these miserable wretched excuses for representatives of the people out!  They are the ones who have been reckless with our country which is why they are not in power.  All they are is loud, but they will get the spineless ,status quo Republicans to join them.  Why?  Because they try to play with honor and abide by rules while these people have no standards or rules except to play “Gotcha,” even when they have no cards.  They win, you lose and To Hell with the citizens….And the Beat goes On!…Gary Sutton