Category Archives: Gary Sutton Blog

Just A Voice on Main Street: Just A Few Questions About “Hot” News!

Let’s take a look at the” Hottest News Story”: A. High level Trump Officials had regular contact with Russian Officials.  (What are we to take from that?)  Well, there is the appearance of a conflict of interest at the least, and illegality at the most.  In fact they must have been involved in swinging the…MORE

Just A Voice on Main Street: We Are At War: Random Musings from One Voice!

This is exactly what we thought would happen if the people of this country went beyond the threat of taking government back, and actually were poised to do so.  You would have those who have become comfortable with the status quo of government chasing its tail and abiding by their own rules fighting back against…MORE

Just A Voice From Main Street: Is It Time for a Checkup?

When I first heard Donald Trump talking about winning or losing the popular vote this week, I wrote it off to pettiness and a big ego that somehow, some way, he thinks that he really won everything in this recent presidential election.  To some extent, I still believe that.  With Donald Trump, pettiness and ego…MORE

Just A Voice on Main Street: What I want from the New Government!

What do you want from Trump? I get asked, and I ask that question of others all the time.  Here are some simple thoughts as to the answer.   I want as much choice to make good and bad decisions within the law as I can get .  I want the government to respect that my…MORE

Main Street Voices: The Problem for Democrats and Republicans!

Why are the Democrat and to a lesser degree, the Republican Parties in disarray right now?  The problem for Democrats is that they have great disdain for the beliefs of the Middle of the Country. That is  ironic because they were founded to be the champions of people out here on Main Street America.  Democrats…MORE

Main Street Voices: If President Trump does well, will the country do well?

President Obama said something very profound yesterday when he told President-Elect Donald Trump in their White House Meeting, “If you succeed, the country succeeds.”  I think I know what he meant, but being a coach, I would see it in a different way. “If the whole country succeeds, then you succeed.”  I believe that that…MORE

Main Street Voices: What a Choice?

The Clintons…Are they vulnerable to blackmail regarding our country if Hillary is elected?  What if what the Clintons and Democrats are saying is true; that the Russians have those emails?  And what if those emails were used after the election instead of right now?  Could the Russians hold that over her head somehow and get…MORE

Main Street Voices: Do Millenials know Hillary for herself? The answer is, “Yes!”

Hillary Clinton has tried to tell us how bad and scary Donald Trump is, and all she has succeeded in doing is accentuating how dishonest she is about everything from emails to her health.  Add to that the “basket of deplorables” remark which exhibited her disdain for regular Americans and she has brought the polls…MORE

MAIN STREET VOICES: What is “Fairness?”

What is the main theme of this election?  What is the one thing that people seem to be talking about the most other than the outsiders vs. the Status Quo in government?  I think it is making America “Fair” again?  Let’s assume that the premise is correct.  If so, then one must ask a few…MORE